Research papers
Computer science
Papers We Love - Papers We Love is a repository of academic computer science papers and a community who loves reading them.
Peer-reviewed papers are getting increasingly boring - Prof Daniel Lemire
This emphasis on citations in the measurement of scientific productivity shifted scientist rewards and behavior on the margin toward incremental science and away from exploratory projects that are more likely to fail, but which are the fuel for future breakthroughs. As attention given to new ideas decreased, science stagnated.
over the past decades the fraction of mainstream papers increases, the fraction of out-of-the-box decreases
We need to challenge the conventional peer-reviewed research paper, by which I refer to a publication was reviewed by 2 to 5 peers before getting published. It is a relatively recent innovation that may not always be for the best. People like Einstein did not go through this process, at least not in their early years. Research used to be more more like “blogging”. You would write up your ideas and share them. People could read them and criticize them. This communication process can be done with different means: some researchers broadcast their research meetings online.
Arxiv Vanity - Renders academic papers from Arxiv as responsive web pages.
Fermat’s Library - Software to help illuminate academic papers.
Sci-Hub - Removing barriers in the way of science. (Alternative working domains) (Sci-Hub archive as torrent) (HN)
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